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A Student Perspective on Distance Learning

My name is Suhera Nuru and I am a senior in AC. Distance learning has its good and bad sides. I appreciate the time I have to myself for homework and college applications, but at the same time, I find it challenging to focus in class due to distractions. Being a visual learner, I enjoy how my teachers are teaching the material. However, I usually rely heavily on my classmates for help. It’s hard to talk to classmates over zoom if we are not in breakout rooms. Even then, it’s still problematic because it creates an awkward environment. 


Being a senior during distance learning is not the best thing. The first semester was a huge challenge because we had college applications on top of distance learning. Thankfully, the college and career center came through with the support. They provided students with essay readers and webinars on everything we needed to know about the application process. They allowed us opportunities to set up one on one meetings with the college counselors. I talked with some of my friends, and they felt that the process would have been slightly more manageable if we were back at school (because of the in-person resources available). They also thought it would have been more stressful if we had a typical school day, which meant six periods and college applications. 


One of my biggest challenges in distance learning was my lack of motivation in school. Every day I would wake up just before school started, open up my zoom, and sort of lay back down on my bed. This routine became so normalized that I began to question my purpose of being in school. When I talked to my sister, a Junior in IB at Berkeley High, she said that because we are at home and in our beds, we lack the motivation to try in our classes. Because of this, a couple of my friends and I decided to make a morning routine to help us become more present in our classes. Our routine consisted of getting up and doing what we would normally do if we had school in person. This routine included washing our faces, stretching, getting dressed and etc.. So far, this has helped tremendously with getting more spirited about going to school.


Another thing that's worked is including an activity of some sort in your daily schedule that you enjoy. For me, I make time for myself to go running at least three times a week. It gives me the freedom and excitement I need to power through my days. My advice to students going through distance learning is to allow yourselves to do something for you every day. Keeping your spirits up during this time will help with your mental health and overall brighten your days! 


PTSA Student President Suhera Nuru recently learned that she has received a 4-year full-tuition Posse Foundation scholarship to Boston University ……. Congratulations Suhera!!!!  


Berkeley high ptsa

© 2021 by Berkeley High School PTSA.

Site Design:  | Editor: Mimi Pulich


1980 Allston Way

Berkeley, CA 94704 510.644.6121


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