welcome back to the 2024-25 school year!

Free Coffee Hour
Free Coffee Hour is every Friday throughout the school year at 8:15 am at Civic Center Park (between Allston & Center, middle of the park, bottom stairs)
Join us to learn more about volunteer opportunities, upcoming school events, and building community. We learn from each other about what the school offers and how to navigate it all while getting to know one another.
Look for us with our tables & whiteboard list of upcoming BHS events & invite your BHS friends to come along.
We look forward to seeing you!
Support the ptsa
Berkeley High is one of the few PTA’s that is a Parent Teacher Student Association.
We strive to:
Elevate student perspectives to inform the entire BUSD community
Advocate for BHS students, parents, and guardians
Support meaningful and fun student activities
Host parent education events and networking opportunities
The BHS PTSA primarily funds through member donations.
Donate at any time, recurring donations are welcome and easy!